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Sunday, October 16, 2005

I's so amazing how much Person X can annoy me without even actively doing anything to deserve it. I just glided through Person X's blog and somehow it has resulted in me sitting here vibrating annoyed-ness.

I don't even have a good reason to be annoyed. I just am. Its probably an allergy to Person X. Unfortunately Person X is like not that esy to avoid. And the stupid things Person X does/says makes for very good bitching.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Lynnette is still up doing her Chatterley essay. After 2 hours of writing and an emergency back up meal of MacDonalds I'm ready to go and raring for more.

you actually believe me? ha ha ha

Jae has concussed on the couch, and Victoria has started to talk to herself. I think I'm still relatively sane.

Monday, October 10, 2005

I am sitting in my econs lecture

I have never been this bored in my life

Oh hang on, maybe I have.I think it was sometime during the same lecture last week

Or the week ago.

Or the one before that.

I'm actually kind of glad I didn't get my UK scholarship now? Because if I did I would have gone straight for what I thought I was interested in at that point in my life. Which was Pilosophy and Economics, double degree. I think I was rather confused at that time. It would have been another case of doing Bio in JC cos it was relatively useful and I was relatively good at it only to find out how indescribably dull it would have been as a career.

No ofence to biologists of course. I know some very interesting, intelligent biologist type people who are brilliant at what they do. But I would not have neen one of them.

LAst night PhoebeChoo and friendofPhoebeChoo and I went suppering. Lesson learnt: thee is an upper limit to the number of permutations a prata can undergo and still maintain its dignity.

Case in point: Phoebe's from nowhere order at fongseng - cheese seafood prata

Firstly: cheese and seafood and prata is already very wrong.
However, the reality of the prata revealed not only cheese and seafood (crabsticks, prawns, etc) but also tomatoes, onions, and mushrooms. excuse me??

How wrong.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


During the week I returned to my room to find a puddle of water right smack in the middle of the floor. Alright methinks, must be the unclosed window and the rain. Until I realize that its only the middle of the floor, under my bed that's wet, and that the bits immediately under the windows and doors are safely dry. And it wasn't a teeny puddle either.
Lip Chong: Only under the bed? YOu die. Must be Dark Water

Not a help.


Is bad. Had my conference today yesterday and while he thinks I hace good points, i need to add stuff, minus stuff and change stuff. He neglects to mention that after the adding, minusing and changing my thesis and motive would have completely metamorphorsized into something unrecognizable and he might as well have told me to more or less rewrite the essay, all 1440 words of it.

Sigh. Not a help either.


Or rather, Corpse Bride was fun. It had the morbid lovable-ness of Nightmare combined with classic Burton-esque quirkiness. ( The view is beautiful! It takes my breath away! That is, if i had any. Ha ha.) And Johnny Depp's gorgeous, even in clay. Only criticism is that its almost too child-friendly-ish and neat. The darker edges of Nightmare that made it more than the typical cutesy fantasy fairytale just seemed less...dark in this one. Maybe its drawing too much on the Disney-esque and the lovely couple lived happily ever after theme. But nonetheless very amusing, and an excellent recourse in times of great stress.

Now this was a help.

Monday, October 03, 2005

I re-read my previous entry and realize that I have given a flawed description of the nights events. I did not "wake up" at 7 to run. I slept at 3, wole up at 6 and was unable to get back to sleep after, with the result that after an hour of listless lying around amidst other soundly sleeping bodies I decided to get out of bed and do something mildly more constuctive.

And after that i slpet through my econs lecture. Haha.

And men are stupid creatures. True story.
why do they always do such stuoid things???


Waking up at 7 this morning to run was a good decision considering last night's none nun naan and milo dinosaur supper and sort of late night drinking session.

It was my half glass of baileys to Sharmaine's many vodka sprites, hence the qualification.

I'm beginning to realize why blogs are no fun when you want to bitch about socially inept people but don't want the person in question or related people to read it, which would be highly probable in this case and therefore I won't say anything except what I already did to the other witnesses of the unfortunate manifestation of this socially inept individual's lousy excuse for a personality.

there i feel better!

and happy third third, yeo cheng leong



hello world

lynnette is trying, once again, to ressurect her blog


friendly people

tagboard goes here.


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