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Monday, March 27, 2006

Welcome, o beloved friends from Harvard.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

You know how people in hostel are always desperate to use the dryers in the laundry and when there's one that's finished its cycle, the whatever clothes are in there are automatically taken out, dumped out on top of the dryer, leaving the little guy vacated for next in line to use.

It happens. I try not to think about the random person that may have manhandled my clothes. I try not to do it, anyway. But it happens.

I just picked up my stack of freshly laundered displaced to the top of the dryer articles of clothing. While sorting them out in my room

I found


Not mine.


I'm like, wtf. thats not mine what do you want me to do with it and why is it even in my stash of laundry?

Its like the reverse of underwear thieving. Or else a really embarrasing mistake. At least he's spared the indignity of having to deal with a strange person's undies.

Its not like i can return them. And its kinda weird to throw them away? And no fucking way am I going to carry them back down to the laundry room.

I feel like throwing them down 3 levels to Brandon's moss.


Friday, March 24, 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Junwen wants to have a final drinking session and volunteers to supply Galliano and absolut.

why does that sound so suspicious?

Can't help but love stupid drunk males.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Lynnette!

  1. Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by Lynnette!
  2. The Vikings believed that the Northern lights were caused by Lynnette as she rode out to collect warriors slain in battle!
  3. Dolphins sleep at night just below the surface of Lynnette, and frequently rise to the surface for air!
  4. Lynnette will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music!
  5. The Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter is made entirely of Lynnette.
  6. The pharoahs of ancient Egypt wore garments made with thin threads of beaten Lynnette.
  7. Olympic badminton rules say that Lynnette must have exactly fourteen feathers!
  8. Lynnette has a bifurcated penis.
  9. Until the 1960s, Lynnette was not allowed to enter Disneyland.
  10. India tested its first nuclear Lynnette in 1974.
I am interested in - do tell me about

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Good thing: We won 3rd prize in Arts Quiz!
Bad thing: Among other things, the cash prize was 18bucks. There were 3 of us and a $5 registration fee per person. Go do the maths

Good thing
: I lost weight!
Bad thing: Due to a disgusting case of tonsilitis over the past week which resulted in swollen lymph glands and whatever else, I look fat and round and this has been commented upon. So sad :(

Good thing: I'm going to start some sort of training which will get me a job at Phil's company and in the near future I will be less broke!
Bad thing: My dad doesn't want to pay my school fees and they took it out of my account and I think I over-shopped or something due to large number of people being born in March and in the even nearer future, I'm broke.

Bad thing
: I got for the first time in my life, a B- for my lit paper
Good thing: The tutor actually thinks its a good grade. Weird.

Bad thing: I started crying after namazie's silly class today because I was stressed and confused by too many physics equations and because I didn't know that triangles were the same thing as delta and I felt stupid because someone was trying to explain the heisenberg's uncertainty principle to me using a line and a ruler even though i already knew what the principle was. (then again namazie's explanation was so odd it made it seem as if i didn't)
Good thing: I had nice Crystal and Nat to fuss over me and SoonPal to laugh at me and the co-op to buy hazelnut chocolate and Jae to scream at and then apologize to.

Conclusion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

How Tech Works: USP's most useful module

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My second earhole closed up due to months of neglect and non-earring earing. I tried to repoke it in Jae's room because I found one of my old studs there and thought I should put it to good use. So in went the earring and out came a scream.

Its not a good idea, trying to reopen a healed piercing with a none too sharp earring stud. Its kinda like trying to jab a shitake mushroom with the sharp end of a chopstick. (not kidding, its that exact same consistency and everything)

Jae was hiding in a corner because the blood scared him.

Just for the record, when I went ear-piercing with Brandon, somebody mysteriously disappeared to the washroom leaving me with Brandy to hang on to instead.


Anyway, the bleeding got a bit scary and I ended up using Jae's vodka (peach or plain?) as a disinfectant. So i really should be thanking him for his generosity.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Queen of All Lost Things (meaning me) lost her matric card at the start of last sem. No, wait, I lost it even before the start of last sem, sometime during rag rehearsals at Xenbar. I remember assuming I left it at Xenbar and therefore resigning myself to the fact that I would never get it back.

And so I subsisted until now on no matric card.

I borrowed library books on other people's cards (i think I pissed a lot of people off. I'm very lousy at returnuing books on time)

I had to go on a matric card hunt everytime I wanted to use the USP computer room to print. When all else failed, I knocked on the door and stared in with big, sad eyes.

I would be the only idiot using ezlink card for identification during exams.

And so my life was for the past semester and a half until last Thursday I decided to get my act together and go apply for a new card at the student centre since I was going to be there to pay my bills. I was very proud of myself :)

And then TODAY, yes, TODAY I receive an email from OSA, telling me to go down and collect my lost card which has been found .

Absolutely. Perfect. Timing.
Now i got two matric cards.

Its not like owning two cards is going to make up for all the times I didn't have a card. Think what, (0+2) divide by 2 = 1 issit??

If you're laughing at this, I'm telling you, its not funny

Thursday, March 02, 2006

why is it even called square one?

It isn't the beginning; to have gotten there one needs to have made the decision to take the first step already. And so there are no square ones and no absolute beginnings, even more so when you make a conscious choice to undo a commitment made and land yourseld back in a situation you intended to avoid

There are too many fucking squares in the world




hello world

lynnette is trying, once again, to ressurect her blog


friendly people

tagboard goes here.


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design: ethereal-illusion
coding: x
tutorial: x
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