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Thursday, January 26, 2006

I woke up this morning sleepy stoned and damn hungry and therefore went in search of food, feeling really thankful for the emergency stash of breqakfast cereal in my room

When I got to the cluster kitchen in my hostel, imagine my shock horror and pain when I discovered that my personal very pretty pink and white bowl from ikea and my spoon and various other eating devices were NOT THERE!

Did someone steal them? Is someone using them without the knowledge of their owner? Are my cluster mates evil? Is there a conspiracy to steal my stuff therebu making it impossible for me to eat, resulting in a slow death by starvation for yours truly?

There are a million bowls there and I don't see why mine has to be the one disappearing. I mean, i really don't mind people using my stuff but they have to psychically figure out when I will decide to want them and leave them there for me at these times. Grrrrr

Who could have done this?

This must be a job for Section Omega

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Lynnette. And its officially over, now I'm 20years and 43 mintues old. Technically its a little more than that sice I was born at 8 something in the morning but oh whatever.

I love everyone, thank you so much nice people out there who made my 20th such a blast.

To Eugene, brilliant purchaser of Chez Goth and Burn in Hell, I salute you. I canot believe I spent like an hour sitting amidst breakers and bicycle-ers and whatevers forming circles of slothful royals and bring down the temperatures of hell. That game is crazy shit man I love you all.

(And while I'm at it, thank you kent glynsen qingru victoria junwen chunhui crystal pal brandy too)

Natalie I love your silly gingerbread men and cows and your military men and rambling aimlessly down orchard and pretending to read Namazie's notes in Starbucks and making ice-cream and attempting to make smiley-faces outta icecream mix at yukiyaki (yakiyuki? hmmmmmm)

And I had the craziest birthday night ever with the frogs of PGP aileen szehan victoria and jaesson. Surprise cake with mini chocolate cream fight in my room resulted in very unbecoming stains on my green sheets. Chez goth marathoning at west coast macs (cut the chains of material possession! and again!) and driving through NUS in the dead of night blasting that nutty numa numa song and singing along with the windows down is a BRILLIANT way to turn 20. I assure you of this, nevermind the bemused/annoyed stares from late night joggers. Vic! I'm sorry russell wasn't there but I do hope DOTA was an adequate replacement. I love you anyway!

And despite the unconvincing lie ( can i borrow a lighter? I...erm...need to smoke... thank you jae for the almost there at midnight cake and for chauffering the whole lot of us crazy singing frogs around the island and for the offer of supper twice in a row.

OH and thak you nickywicky and gillywilly for the pweeeettyyyyy necklace and for the company and for consenting to be dragged around orchard in my quest for a flowered shirt. You guys rock, as always

and thank you too everyone else who remembered and called/msged...sam saurav cal val phil junwen and et al. MUAH


I'm twenteen!

Monday, January 16, 2006

It's nice and calm and sunny and I'm in my room blogging to the tune of Jewel and my beloved Tori.

In case you were wondering I'm perfectly fine.

And you were right it's time for a litle change, only this time its your turn not mine.
nobody said it was easy

Deal with it, seriously. It's been long enough.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It was nerve wrecking and a total test of courage but I'm glad I did it. If I stuffed up and totally humiliated my poor self then oh well it's over and I can tick off one item on my laundry list of new year resolutions.

Do something you've never done but want to do

There. In case you're wondering, this thing in question is an vocal audition for this band in school. I've done many things in stage but singing isn't one of them and i've been dying to try it out. I'm scared of mics. I'm not very good at attempting to stay in tune while trying to look as if I was staying in tune without trying. Karaoke sessions with Ann usually involve a lot of picking out the orange crackers in the bowl of mixed nuts and not much else.

But hell, I've done it and it was fun, and funny, and I met interesting people. So yay for Lynnette.

2 days to Friday the 13th, the FantasticRockingInsaneDeath-defyingAmazingY birthday of JaeSharnzLynn

Sorry I couldnt think of an adjective beginning with Y. The surprise test thing that materialized in the middle of the otherwise dead boring EL lecture did not do me any good.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The following is a list of desired stuff for the birthday of your's truly. Hell, if y'all are hellbent on getting stuff for me then who am I to complain?

Pretty non-white sweater - There's this really nice green one at Esprit that costs $89, so if anyone's feeling generoue, there you go

Bag thingie, sling across kind. Feeling generous? Get me a Crumpler. SLightly less generous? There's this khaki/green Billabong one with yellow and white print at Marina Square's Walllet Shop. But then again. I trust your taste.

Haviana-type slippers but less expensive variety. 40 bucks on flipflops is consumer exploitation.

Eric Khoo Twelve Stories/Mee Pok Man DVD boxset

Earphones. Nice ones.

Any book and/or CD from Christmas that I don't have

I don't really a\want anything else. if you are really desperate I accept money too. :)
Lynnette is a very broke girl.

Friday, January 06, 2006

life is beautiful.

and lynnette is a happy girl.


Belated Happy 06 guys!

I had a short but pretty sobering conversation with Ann today while we were out windowshopping in town about another mutual friend/ex-colleague. We were discussing what to get her for her birthday and this sort of led to more talk about her. While talking about various assorted ex-colleagues, I mentioned that I was surprised at how long she had worked at Borders (for most of us it was at most a holiday part time thing) and wondered why she wasn't doing anything else.

When I first met her she told me she was working at Borders (me:and?) and teaching tuition (me: and?) and not going to school and not intending to for the time being. I remember being fairly surprised, and being a horribly narrow-minded fresh out of JC girl, under the (wrong) impression that going through the secondaryschool - jc/poly- uni/work route was the only plausible and practical option available to anyone my age.

So I was rather surprised when I was told that she was in fact studying at MDIS (or somewhere) and that she part timed at Borders, and gave tuition at the same time just so she could pay for her own school fees. Her parents were, apparently, unsupportive of her pursuing her studies, leaving her to struggle along the best as she could. I went back home, read her blog, and yeah, in between the fairly benignly happy entries there were brief mentions of the said lack of parental or financial support, the stress, and the difficulty in having to deal with so many things simultaneously.

"Having to work part time,teaching tuition and coping with studies is nt an easy task at all...". I'm not b=very proud of the fact that for the 6bmonths i worked with her I never got to know her better. We're ok friends, we've been out together rof lunch and movies and stuff, but we were never close. I've had other friends from a totally different circle make snooty comments about her clothes (typically minimalist tees and khaki pants) and the fact that she's quiet, never really hangs out with the rest of the gang, and oh well, little stuff like that. But thats another issue anyway.

I remember thinking at first how aimless her life was, like, does she really intend to spend the rest of her life working here?. If all she did in life was work at Borders or at her tuition with the sole aim of earning money then it didn't seem as if she had much of a life plan. Like at least I was going to school; at least I was headed somewhere. What I'm ashamed of is assuming that she chose to live that way...of assuming, in fact, that she even had a choice. I'm not rich but at least my parents can, and will, pay for my school fees; if I work I'm free to use what I earn as I wish, and while there are things that I crave/desire/want, there's nothing that I really need (although the green velvety sweater at Esprit looked really pretty). (haha ok ignore that.)

It puts the phrase "I'm broke" (a very much used line in my vocabulary) into perspective. Who am I to complain when I spend 600bucks on a shopping spree in Thailand and have more CDs and books than the combined shelves in 3 rooms of my house can hold?

There are people who deal with so much more than the weeny little everyday troubles that plague my life. And if nothing else, I really should be grateful for what I have, instead of constantly griping about what i don't have . I guess if you were looking for a New Years resolution, you have it

PS: Ironically, people are expecting me to post up my birthday wishlist soon. Friday the 13th guys!



hello world

lynnette is trying, once again, to ressurect her blog


friendly people

tagboard goes here.


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