Thursday, October 30, 2008
can i just say how much i hate...
People who jump on bandwagons
and wear obvious amounts of eyeliner
and have disgustingly weird chinese accented-singaporean-accented english
I am being mean and making horrid generalisations about said person. ARGHGHGHGHG
OMG you innocent being. Why do you annoy me so?
Friday, October 24, 2008
I'm finally getting started on all my disgusting essays. They're only disgusting because I have to do them. In theory they're actually nice, interesting things to think about.
1. ISM about Spatial Representations in Singapore Short Stories. I have very complicated thesis involving de Certeau, Foucault and Pierre to revise since I'll probably need all of my 5000 words just to explain them?!?!
I've heard that some writers regularly google themselves to see what people say about them so I shall add that my ISM involves short stories ranging from early 1970s by such people as Catherine Lim and Robert Yeo, to the 90s (Alfian Sa'at's Corridor and Philip Jeyaratnam's First Loves) to post 2000 (Daren Shiau's Velouria and some assorted stuff by David Leo). There, I've name-dropped :)
My original idea was meant to be something about nationalism and city spaces, but its morphed into something quite massively beyond me about the urban text as historical representation; text as memory as tactic as opposed to text as history as strategy. Gahhhhh.
2. Singapore Studies Merlion poems essay
Which is not Christine's. Basically the merlion is an empty signifier upon which people can project their perspectives on national identity.
3. Modernism and Empire.
Dunno what's going on. Such a strange module.
4. Asian American
And thesis woes abound!!!!!
I was looking through my mass of readings just now in search of one particular sheet when I realised that I could recognise/ differentiate readings just from the font they were printed in. It was rather horrifying though I felt vaguely intellectually smug as well.
Why is this such a muggy post? I really also wanted to say that despite all this ZOMGcrapload of work, I'm really very happy.